With summer well on it’s way, it’s time for fun activities that this time of year has to offer…camping, swimming, fishing, hunting, and so much more will be a part of you and your family’s summer. Fresh summer air, blue skies…and MOSQUITOES. All big parts of the summer months. This is one reason why mosquito control can be a huge benefit to your lifestyle.

Mosquitoes can get in the way of the summer plans—BBQ’s, bonfires, stargazing, and hiking. Everyone knows the feeling of waking up the next morning itchy and covered in bites…not a comfortable experience. These blood-suckers are pesky little things, but so much has been discovered about them. You want to learn about one of the most annoying things on the planet, besides your sibling? Me too!

Mosquitoes love CO2

  • Female mosquitoes have nerve cells called “cpA neurons” They use it to follow the smell of CO2, the stuff we breathe out. The cpA nerve cells have receptors that can help a mosquito find their next meal from more than 30 feet away!
  • Female mosquitoes need blood to reproduce and help the development of their eggs.
  • Male mosquitoes on the other hand, feed off of plant juice, like nectar. They use the natural sugars inside for energy.

Mosquitoes are very old

  • Mosquitoes have been around for 400 million years, and have never evolved.
  • Fortunately for us, there has never been enough blood found within one to recreate a new park…of the dinosaur variety.
  • There are between 3500 and 2700 mosquito species in the world
      • Out of the 3500-2700 only a few HUNDRED drink blood.

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on the globe

  • An estimated 1 million people die a year by mosquito spread diseases. These diseases include:
      • Malaria
      • Dengue
      • West Nile Virus
      • Chikungunya
      • Yellow fever
      • Zika
  • Birds were first blamed for West Nile Virus, until recent studies proved mosquitos were to blame
  • Mosquitoes feed using a “sip” method, meaning they get their source of food from multiple places. Unfortunately this exposes more people to the spread of diseases.
  • George Washington got malaria twice in his lifetime, and lost a substantial amount of hearing the second time, during his presidency.

Mosquitoes are the “Goldilocks” of the insect world

  • Being bitten depends on your blood chemistry. Mosquitoes are picky, and have a very specific taste to what they will go after.
  • Studies done from 1974-2004 have shown that mosquitoes prefer blood type O and A over anything else. But, there are questions as to why others still get bitten. Mosquitoes have “personal” preferences in a way.

Color matters to mosquitoes

  • Mosquitoes pay close attention to color. Depending on the color, your clothes could be attracting them your direction.
  • Dark color to a female mosquito mean a resting place.

Mosquitoes are attracted to more than just color and blood type.

  • Studies have shown that multiple factors play into being bitten
  • Body odor can attract mosquitoes
    • Compounds on the skin such as ammonia and lactic acid, can allure mosquitoes your way
    • Natural bacteria can also beckon mosquitoes
    • People with a higher abundance but lower diversity of bacteria attracts mosquitoes more.
  • Strangely enough, genetics can play a part as well. For example, mosquitoes were more attracted to the smells of identical twins over fraternal twins.
  • Body heat can also be a big reason you have been bit. Mosquitoes will go to any heat source no matter the size.

Mosquitoes (though a nuisance) are a part of multiple organisms diets

  • Researchers have found that wiping mosquitos out could cause problems in the food chain.
  • Organisms that depend on mosquitoes (not limited to):
    • Bats, birds, fish, guppies, frogs, tadpoles, turtles, dragonflies, damselflies, crane fly, etc.
    • Wiping them out could ensure extinction of multiple organisms.

People everywhere try to take their own measures to deter and even kill mosquitoes

  • Mosquito repellent
    • Deet is often found in mosquito/bug repellent. Unfortunately there isn’t enough to take care of the problem long term. It is a temporary fix.
  • Bug zappers are found just about everywhere
    • Bug zappers are a one at a time type of device. You will still get bitten. Though it may be lessened, you will still wake up with itchy bumps on your arms.
  • Mosquito repelling plants
    • There are so many plants that ward off the pesky bugs. Many of which you can find at home depot. But plants still attract other bugs, and cause secondary problems.
    • Citronella candles are great. But the scent and smoke can only go so far.

The CDC’s list of “Prevention Chemicals”

  • The CDC’s list can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/prevention/
  • Deet is often found in bug spray, but the amount used isn’t enough to rid them from your property. As mentioned before, it’s a temporary fix.

Mosquito Control

Here at Green Pest Management, we are here to help! We make sure to put most of the CDC recommended chemicals in our mosquito control and tick control treatments. For many of our customers, this a staple to their summer season. We offer this service April through September to anyone who is ready to get back to enjoying their property again. We are excited to help you and your family get back to enjoying summer again. Give us a call at (302)777-2390

To find out more about our mosquito control and tick treatment watch the video below. To make sure we service your location check out our service area, by clicking the state you reside in. DelawarePennsylvaniaNew JerseyMaryland.

Mosquito and Tick Control

YouTube video