How Does Weather Affects Pests?

How Does Weather Affects Pests?

Like most animals, weather affects pest behavior in different ways. Some hibernate, some overwinter, or do something called “supercooling” in the colder months. Pests are a nuisance year round, but what do they do during the seasonal changes? Winter Pests are good at...
7 Pest Myths

7 Pest Myths

Everyone is familiar with at least one pest myth. Such as; Mice love cheese. Fleas die without a host. Clean houses are always pests free. If you don’t see pests, they aren’t there. And many more. Green Pest Management is here to expose the truth about pests and pest...
The Best Rodent Control DIY Tips & Tricks

The Best Rodent Control DIY Tips & Tricks

With winter on its way, you might be asking, where can I find pest control near me? More specifically…rodent pest control. Unless you have a furry friend that takes care of such things living in your home, mice can raise concern when seen on your property. As the...
10 Fun Facts About Wasps

10 Fun Facts About Wasps

Without wasp control, these insects can be a nuisance. They come to our gatherings uninvited, sting multiple times in a row, and interrupt the regular maintenance of our homes. There are over 30,000 wasp species, and each has different markings and body styles. Little...
Do It Yourself Home Ant Control

Do It Yourself Home Ant Control

Spring and Summer are bright, blue, and filled with fun. Picnic parties, pool parties, and outdoor movie nights are a great way to spend time in the sun and warm weather. Until you notice ants. Ants are one of the more troublesome and pesky pests around, and often...